Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Boasting of Coasting Success!

Took that Grinder down to the trail behind the college on Easter and had a great time. Up at the goodwill I did my first "stunt", which was nothing much; I just hopped up to a curb, coasted across and dropped down. But that along with flying through the trail was a really inspiring experience. Up until Sunday, the goal of taking this thing off large jumps seemed quite distant. Now I know that it is very possible and could be an awesome niche for unicycling to take up in action sports. I'll have video posted soon, but I want to wait for my next "My 5ifteen Tricks" episode to officially debut the coasting unicycle. If you have any questions about the coasting unicycle, please email me at I'd love to hear what you've got to say.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Expecting a nice Easter ride

Tomorrow's supposed to be beautiful. Definitely going to get out and ride. Might even do a little filming of the coasting unicycle if I get a chance.

Also, speaking of unicycling and beautiful, here's a video of a trick I thought would go viral for sure:
Unicycle Backflip


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

2010's Mid-Summer Cut

So last year I did a lot of experimental editing of the footage from the Midwest Treasure Hunt and despite liking this particular version, I decided not to make it public. But now as we're on the brink of May and I'm dealing with snowy conditions, I can't help but think about being in the middle of summer again. So for the sake of warm thoughts and dry pedals, here's my 2010 Mid-Summer Cut.